María José Crespo        About     CV     Projects     Contact
MA Fine Arts, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy. Rotterdam, NL.
Academic Exchange in Photography Bachelor, IADE. Lisbon, PT.
BA Fine Arts, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Tijuana, MX.

Selected solo / duo exhibitions
La permeabilidad de una línea Planta Libre at Material Art Fair. Mexico City. MX.
Female flickers over built environments WET, Rotterdam, NL.
The gateway as a point of encounter with Madeleine Ruggi. PuntWG, Amsterdam, NL.
Space is a place with Alejandra López. Lab23, The Hague, NL.
Flaws in negotiation with non-cohesive sand Artpace. San Antonio, Texas. USA.
How hard do you try when seeing? 206 Arte Contemporáneo. Tijuana, B.C., MX.

Selected group exhibitions
Destination Unknown Heerlen, NL.
Invisible traditions The Front Arte y Cultura, San Diego California. USA.
To undiscovered lands Het Paviljoen. Ghent, BE.
Water as displacement OnCurating. Zürich, CH.
Land of Milk & Honey Planta Libre + Archivo Río Colorado at the MexiCali Biennial. Cheech Center for Chicano Art and Culture of the Riverside Art Museum. California, USA.
And it was but a chat away Mama - Ubik. Rotterdam, NL.
I must be living twice curated by Shimmer at Palazzo de Mora, European Culture Center. Venice, IT.
INDEX Planta Libre. Mexicali, B.C., MX.
Creación en movimiento Antiguo Colegio de San Idelfonso. Ciudad de México, MX.
XIII Bienal Plástica de Baja California. Tecate, Baja California, MX.
XXIII Bienal Plástica de Baja California. Ministry of Culture of Baja California. MX.
Cuéntame una historia 9th anniversary. 206 Arte Contemporáneo. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
Todo se deshace, el centro no puede sostenerse Casa Bosques, México City. MX
Rotas/Rutas International simposium of artistic research: Intervindo, Migrando e se (Des)Localizando. Por to Alegre, BR.
Creación en movimiento Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. Ciudad de México, MX.
Todo menos un fantasma Centro de la Imagen. Mexico City. MX.
PFC 16: Centro Cultural Tijuana. Tijuana B.C., MX.
5th Transborder Biennial El Paso Museum of Art (EPMA) and Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez (MACJ). MX - USA.
5th Anniversary 206 Arte Contemporáneo. Tijuana, MX.
Life in the Conditional School of Visual Arts. New York, USA.
Conquistadores de lo inútil Samples: International video festival. Diorama gallery. Mexico City. MX.
Transvideo: Borderless image Aalto University Learning Centre. Helsinki, FI.
Tiempo Espacio. Galería Frida Kahlo, UAS, Culiacán, MX.
Rumorosa Arredondo/Arozarena, Mexico City. MX.


Destination Unknown Herleen, NL
Malt AIR Maltfabrikken. Ebeltoft, DK.
Goethe Investigating Goethe Institute. Rotterdam, NL.
Artpace San Antonio Texas, USA.
LOOM – Interweaving the Arts in Europe European Alliance of Academies, Akademie Der Kunst. Berlin, DE.

Performance / Talks
Female flickers performance as part of The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily at Rib. Rotterdam, NL.
Artist talk  Territorio, Materialidad y Comunidad en el Paisaje Fronterizo at Azul Arena. Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, MX.
Artist talk at Det Jyske Kunstakademi X Aarhus Billedkunstcenter. Aarhus, DK
Border Crossing Networking for an Independent Culture  European Alliance of Academies. Central European University, Budapest, HU.
Artist talk. 206 arte contemporáneo. Tijuana, Baja California. MX.
Witnessing as a method of getting through gateways Performatic lecture with Madeleine Ruggi. Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam,  NL.
PROXYEROTICS Performance presentation with Madeleine Ruggi. Royal College of Art. London, UK.

Grants / Awards

Kunstenaar Start Mondriaan Fund, NL.
AFK Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst. Amsterdam, NL.

Development and Research(O&O) CBK Rotterdam, NL.
XXIII Bienal Plástica de Baja California Acquisition award. MX.
Fundación JUMEX Grant for postgraduate studies. MX.
FONCA Jóvenes Creadores (Alternative media installation)
Young Artists Grant, National Endowment of Arts and Culture of Mexico. MX
Van Beek Donner Foundation Grant for postgraduate studies. Rotterdam, NL.
FONDARTE BC Fund for supporting independent artistic activities in Baja California. Ministry of Culture, BC, MX.
PECDA Jóvenes Creadores (Alternative media installation) State program for artistic development of Baja California. Ministry of Culture of Baja California. MX.
FONCA Jóvenes Creadores (Alternative media installation) Young Artists Grant, National Endowment of Arts and Culture of Mexico. MX.
Contemporary Photography Program (PFC) BBVA BANCOMER Foundation and Centro Cultural Tijuana. Tijuana B.C., MX.
APROART Art Production Grant. Centro Cultural Tijuana. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
BECA ALAS International Exchange Grant. UABC Foundation, Tijuana, B.C., MX.

Colección Elias + Fontes Baja California, MX.

Publications / Text 
Accidental Beauty in Unexpected Shapes: María José Crespo, the River, and Artistic Research Written by JD Pluecker. Southwest Contemporary, New Mexico. USA.
Journal der Künste 19 Akademie der Künste. Berlin, DE.
Metropolis M Graduation Shows - Piet Zwart Institute by Jorne Vriens. NL
Archivo vivo: Primer mapeo de artistas mujeres de Baja California Fondo Editorial La Rumorosa, colección Arte y Patrimonio, Secretaría de Cultura de Baja California. MX.
Ecos y Resonancias: Primera panorámica de la pintura en Baja California. Coordinated by Daril Fortis. Fondo Editorial La Rumorosa, colección Arte y Patrimonio, Secretaría de Cultura de Baja California. MX.

Laboral experience
2023 - ongoing 
Premiere Protocol and Q&A coordination at International Film Festival Rotterdam, NL.
2019 - 2021
Teaching Experimental Video and Art History at CUT on Bachelor in Cinema. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
2018- 2020
Program Coordinator and film curator at Cine Tonalá Tijuana a multicultural space focused on cinema, performative arts and gastronomy, producing a monthly program including national and international films by coordinating the communication among distributors, schedules and inviting guest to join screenings. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
2014 - 2019
Media Coordinator and Co-founder at Periférica a non profit organization focused on distributing content about visual arts, producing exhibitions, talks and creating a one year certified workshop on art critic in Baja California. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
2016 - 2017
Coordinator of Audiovisual Production and Pedagogic Area at Transmedios a multidisciplinary project focused on producing information about visual arts of Tijuana and offering workshops on visual arts, film production and technology. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
Assistant production at 206 Arte Contemporáneo a cultural space by producing and hosting exhibitions. Tijuana, B.C., MX.
FIFT: Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Tijuana. Co-funder and program coordinator, inviting guests, building the public program and making budgets. Tijuana, B.C. MX.